How Does This End?

DJ Terence ( Terence Keaser)
2 min readApr 28, 2020

I did what the experts said to do.

“Have a Plan” “Do What You Love” “Save & Invest Money” “Go to College”

2010 to 2019… My so called plan is working. I graduated college. My first adult job was the best experience any new graduate could ask. Then I got the crazy idea to buy a house in 2015….Life kept moving though. I reconnected with my passion to entertain people. DJ Terence came out of the wood work…. All of the memorable weddings, the late nights at The Rustic Cafe, and the breakfast no one should be eating at Pete’s Hong Kong LOL #ButSoGood…. Life kept moving though. Another job change and a different direction to helping people. There is something about connecting people with the food they love. The moment you lick your fingers because the wing sauce was absolutely perfect. Suddenly, I get the crazy idea to buy another house.

Here I am the age of 29. A marketing degree, a couple job changes, always love helping people, and own two houses. Life is goooooood.

Then 2020 & COVID-19 Happens. It flips my world upside down. Somedays are better than others. I’ll have a great attitude one day, and maybe even for several days. But there have somedays during this “Pandemic” where I go to extreme measures to hide my terrible attitude.

Maybe I am overthinking it? I am where I am because of how I was raised, some mentoring, planning, and hard work.

My sense of the “future” and how to plan for it has been erased.

I don’t know what is next… I don’t know how this ends. I just want to wake up…



DJ Terence ( Terence Keaser)

Marketer | DJ | Coffee Lover | Gravy Enthusiast | Always Thinking | Welcome to My Brain